How do a small monster survive between monster king and brave knight?


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The contexts in this game help players to understand each character’s personability. From the beginning, the monster king uses some bad words to mention that he requires blood and the punctuation improves the tone and shows that he is a fierce and cruel monster king. It provides me a feel of the tone of a tyrant. When the main character moves to the next room, another little monster’s dialog shows he is terrified by the kind at all, the garbled in dialog vivid represent his personality is timid and his statue is super scared. The dialog of this little monster also shows that the cruel of the king. Besides, “again” and “take care,” he said also mentioned that the main king is always angry and the main character is the monster who is always yelled at the king. When the main character meets the second little monster, his dialog also shows the king is always angry, but he is calm. This monster seems to get used to the king’s personality and he knows what will happen. In another word, this one is clever, he knows the king is cruel and he stary away from the king for keeping his safety. The next character’s dialog fits its appearance, he only “hahaha” and there is a serial port of water. In the next room, a bird provides the main character a message that a knight in the village. It is reasonable because a bird can get lots of information, the meaning behind the message is that the bird also hit the king and want the main character to ask the knight for help. Besides the cat just feel sad for the little monster without help.